
designer handbags replica handbags

Are Imitation Wholesale Handbags Better Than Wholesale Designer Inspired Handbags

Most women want to own branded handbags because it gives them a sense of pride. This is because branded handbags are basically expensive. People who see them carrying a particular signature handbag would surely think that they have high profiles since they can afford such brand. In reality however, signature handbags are not just about the cost. It is also about the design or materials used. It is a good thing that there are wholesale designer inspired handbags available for women to choose from. These handbags may not have the original signature or brand of the popular designers but they do have the same style and function as the signature handbags. It抯 a signature handbag without the actual signature. It only carries the style.

Imitation Vs Inspiration

Since designer handbags contribute to the status of the person, most handbag manufacturers try to imitate its looks so that women are made to believe that they have a high profile. The sad thing about this is that when the people know that the handbag was just an imitation, the pride can turn into an embarrassment.

Wholesale handbags are considered imitations if they carry the brand name but were not originally created by the accredited manufacturer. They are handbags that use the name of the designer when they are not actually made by such designer. The brand was just sewn into it as if it is the actual brand of the handbags.

Wholesale designer inspired handbags are different from imitations. These wholesale handbags do not wrongfully use designer brands. Instead, the designs or the style of the designer handbag is duplicated so that the user can still enjoy the fashion at the same time meet its function. A duplicated handbag is an inspiration of the idea of the designer and improves it for the wholesaler抯 handbags.

In other words, imitations and inspirations are two different things. The former can embarrass the owner of the handbag because of using non-authentic designer handbags. On the other hand, the latter simply duplicated the design even if no brand is tagged on the product. In essence, it is better to own wholesale designer inspired handbags as these are possibly made with the same quality and style of the signature handbags than owning a handbag with a fake brand.

The online store of HuaFu sells wholesale designer inspired handbags. Their handbags are much cheaper than signature handbags. They have designs that look like branded products but do not carry any of the signature brands. HuaFu simply designed their wholesale handbags similar to the signature handbags. With the designer inspired handbags, women can now enjoy the style and function of the signature handbags even if it does not necessarily have the high profile brand name. Similarity of design, its functionality, and its affordability must be enough reason to buy wholesale handbags in HuaFu.

These days, it is not really important to own signature handbags especially if it is not needed. People have to be practical in their choice as this is the time to save for the rainy days. People need to save on items and this includes saving on handbags. If it is just about the design that matters, women would rather buy wholesale designer inspired handbags. In this way, they will still get a designer item but pay a lower price. Now isn抰 this a practical way of owning signature handbags?

Par handbagsllc le mardi 12 avril 2011


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